Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Post #2: U.S. Supreme Court



   Something I learned about the Supreme Court that I didn't already know is that they get 100 new cases brought to them every single week but only take 100 in total for the entire year. I think that is insane to even imagine due to the fact they have to sort through all of them to pick the most important ones. I also didn't know the Supreme Court had the abbreviation of SCOTUS before I read the article, which I found the be very cool and interesting.

  I believe the most important take-away point about the Supreme Court is an action that happened in the year 1803. During the case of Marbury vs. Madison, a notable Chief Justice named John Marshall established the Supreme Courts' power to say if the federal laws enacted by Congress were constitutional or not. This is very important because it helps to make sure the court is following what the constitution says which is very important in this country.

   The most surprising thing I learned is that being in the Supreme Court is like being 'struck by lightning. The Justices are said to be scared in a way for either the first 2 years of being a justice or even up to around 5 years. This is surprising to me because even though it is a major deal to be a Supreme Court Justice, I didn't think it would be that nerve-racking for as long as the Justices say it is for.

   The video changed how I thought about the Supreme Court because it made me think more deeply about the court system from the start. It showed how things changed greatly over the years from the start of the court and also showed as much insight and the Justices could possibly give. The video made me realize how much effort it really takes to get a case brought to the Supreme Court and also on the other hand how hard it is for the Justices to sort through all of the cases to see which ones they prove worthy enough to bring to a head and help the issue at hand. When the Justices were saying how it takes years to get used to the job, that shocked me as to what that really means. We don't really know the ins and outs of the system within itself since a lot of things are confidential. With that being said on the surface the job is really hard to attain and even harder to do, but we don't know what on the inside is making the Justices say it feels like a lightning strike. That statement itself, makes alarms go off in my head thinking about what really is going on behind closed doors of the Supreme Court.

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