Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Post #5 Anti War


78. Name one war fought by the United States in the 1900s ...

   Nowadays, the United States of America and countries all over the world have felt heightened tension due to statements in the media and careless choices that world leaders are making. Most news sites such as  CNN and MSNBC, have put things on the top of the news including Covid-19, which has been a popular and frequently publicized topic since early 2020. There are many conspiracy theories surrounding this topic and a lot of controversial political bias running around in circles over and over again.  In the next sentence I will be voicing my opinion and I am sorry if I offend anyone or upset anyone, these are just my thoughts about what is going on in our country right now. The media keeps Covid-19 on the top of their to speak about list, because they want to cover up what is really going on in the country behind closed doors. Covid-19 is a very important topic, but there are other equally important things going on including potential wars and conflicts that the mainstream media is putting on the back burner. Former President Trump, was the first president in around 50 years to not go to war with anyone, so the fact that Biden is now having conflict with Russia because of hid foreign policies with Ukraine it really makes him look bad as a president. He was so hyped up all throughout the election, that now he keeps making careless mistakes because of his policies, the mainstream media doesn't want him look bad. This is the way they shove other news into our faces, in order to make sure no one sees the damage this president is doing to our country. The mainstream media is so filtered and censored, because they don't want any opposing sides of their beliefs to be able to voice their opinions. The media really wants people to believe what they think is right and nothing else could possibly trump their opinion. These unheard of websites are sadly the only way people can express the way they feel about important topics including antiwar opinions which is extremely sad and disheartening. The first amendment, Freedom of Speech is really thrown out the window when it comes to anything spoken about in the mainstream media. As long as there are no threats being made or violence being initiated, anyones opinion should be valid and allowed to be shared with the public. People come from different backgrounds, with different experiences, therefore, will have different opinions. The mainstream media should not be one sided especially on important topics like war, there are obviously two sides to that, pro war or anti war. Nowadays the mainstream media decided pro war should be the way to go to anti war opinions are wrong in their eyes. They try to censor anyone talking about it, which goes against the First Amendment.
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